With a subscription to LOLA, you’ll have access to an array of legislative information, including bill text and summaries, committee and floor action, votes, legislators’ bios and attendance, and a searchable lists of organizations and individuals who support or oppose legislation.
In addition, LOLA offers numerous features and tools that will keep you ahead of the game:
- Email tools to help you interact with legislators and advocate for specific interests
- Custom reports of legislative activity that can be shared with colleagues and clients
- Search tools for analyzing current and past legislative activity
- Voting histories and analytical reports on legislators’ voting patterns
- Real-time alerts of committee and calendar schedules and legislative action by bills and keywords
LOLA also has several account levels designed to fit your legislative needs, with subscription prices starting at $1100 per year.
For more information on subscribing to LOLA, call 602-258-7026, email [email protected] or fill out and submit the subscription request form.
Take a tour of LOLA to discover how the system can start working for you.